Rigid and flexible metal-organic Frameworks, structure investigation and versatile applications




报告人:Dr. Ying-Ya Liu

Assistant professor, Ghent University, Belgium


刘颖雅博士,2008年博士毕业于大连化学物理研究所材料热化学组,之后先后在德国乌尔姆大学和比利时根特大学从事博士后科研工作,自2011年受聘为根特大学助理教授。从博士阶段至今的研究方向为金属有机骨架化合物的合成和应用,其中应用领域涉及储氢,二氧化碳/甲烷吸附分离,催化氧化及荧光材料。目前在Inorg. Chem.,Dalton Trans., Int. J .Hydrogen Energy 等国际刊物上发表了近20篇学术论文。


Metal Organic Frameworks (MOFs) can be considered as the most recent development in the field of ordered porous materials; they are crystalline atomically ordered materials, with an almost unlimited choice of building bricks, allowing a very precise control over morphology, pore size and functionalities in the walls. MOFs are constructed by linking multidentate organic ligands with metal/cluster-connecting nodes to form in?nite network structures. The simplicity of synthesis and scale-up of a wide range of MOFs have made them very attractive materials for various applications.Especially gas storage, gas separation and heterogeneous catalysis are research themes that are quickly emerging. Not only are the pore volumes of MOFs often much higher than that of most other adsorbents, another striking characteristic is that some MOFs have flexible frameworks. This structural flexibility, the so-called breathing effect, causes a lattice transformation and is the key factor for the selective uptake of target gas molecules.

In this talk, the design and synthesis strategy of MOFs will be presented, followed by the applications in the field of gas sorption and separations, heterogeneous catalysis in liquid phase oxidation reaction as well as luminescence studies.


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