Revolutionary in-situ Sample Testing Platforms in Electron Microscopes




报告人:Dr. Madeline J. Dukes & Michael Zapata III

Protochips Inc., U.S.A. 


Madeline J. Dukes博士于范德堡大学获得化学博士学位,博士论文工作是研制在扫描透射电子显微镜中用来观察整个细胞的液态原位技术。毕业后,加入Protochips公司担任技术应用科学家,主要工作是与用户和合作者开展Protochips液相原位系统的应用技术研发。

Michael Zapata III先生毕业于北卡罗来纳州立大学,是Protochips公司执行主席。Protochips公司致力于研发在原始环境中对纳米材料做定量分析的各种技术,在该领域颇具影响力。Michael是一位企业家和技术商务投资人。他投入精力和财力帮助初次创业者建立公司并在国际范围内扩展业务。他致力于技术产品的研发、销售、市场和战略合作,尤其是亚洲区域。Michael是北卡罗来纳州立大学科技创业与商业化项目的发起人,并担任Kenan工程技术科学院的副主任。他目前是北卡罗来纳州入驻企业家和ArrayXpress- a genomics公司主席。 Michael先生为大学和外国政府提供科技转化类项目咨询,他同时还受聘于美国商务部外贸局。另外,Michael先生曾经是一名美国空军军官并以中校军衔退役。 


Nowadays, Electron microscope (EM) is undoubtedly one of the essential tools in a broad range of researches or applications. With its high resolution observation capability, the needs of having in-situ sample testing platforms in an EM for further detailed analysis or dynamic event observation or more flexibility on sample types are aggressively increasing. However, because of its system design and restrictions, the needs are not easily to be fulfilled.

By the use of Protochips AduroTM and PoseidonTM, incorporated into an EM, it is possible to directly capture key dynamic changes or discoveries, such as nano phase change, rapid thermal cycle behavior, electrical bias at nanoscale under various heating/cooling circumstances, and even can observe hydrated samples, like tissue culturing, protein localization, dynamic catalytic reactions, etc.

AduroTM revolutionizes the analytical capabilities of EM by providing an in situ rapid heating/cooling up to 1200°C in 1ms, as well as electrical properties at atomic resolution. PoseidonTM allows imaging samples that are self-contained within a fully hydrated environment, effectively creating a native environment of a sample directly. Protochips is an R&D instrumentation company focusing on providing promising analytical tools for EM by breaking through its barriers and limitations that one can enjoy the better benefits of EM for new discoveries. 

报告联系人:DNL2002组 赵旭(9707)

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